It has been a year….with more to come for sure… but as 2020 winds down I find myself thankful for so much even as I shake my head and utter the words: really??? over and over again.
Somewhere on that gratitude list lie the people of Erie County, the city of Buffalo, and the surrounding areas of Western New York. Faced with the very real possibility of a Red Zone lockdown in the week before Thanksgiving, WNYer’s came out in socially distanced droves to support small retail businesses. The outpouring of support and concern came from many of the same people who have had their lives turned on end by a pandemic that appears to have no interest in letting up. In addition to in-person shoppers coming into ShopCraft I’ve noticed that so many of my online sales are shipping to local addresses. Thank you, thank you, thank you for choosing local small business over big box stores and behemoth online retailers.
As of this writing Erie County is still in an Orange Zone. While retail remains open, and restaurants are at least able to offer take out and outside dining for those willing to brave the cold, many other businesses have been forced to shut down. I understand the need for restrictions but my heart goes out to gym owners, hair stylists, other personal care service providers and all who have lost their jobs or are temporary shut down or unemployed due to covid.
My heart also goes out to medical care providers, grocery store workers, parents who are juggling home schooling with work-from-home jobs…. and the list goes on and on…
This pandemic will eventually pass, but it will leave behind empty chairs at dinner tables, a changed Main Street and a very different way of conducting business for a large portion of small, medium and even large organizations.
For the remainder of 2020 and going forward I wish you good health, peace of mind and good fortune. As always, you can find my work at ShopCraft at 773 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo and online in my Etsy Store.
Stay safe! Stay Well! And please wear a mask!