“Biker Cat Doll and His Dog”, Alison E. Kurek, 2014
I met Nicole Johnson, WNY’s reigning Queen of Polymer Clay, for breakfast this morning. If you are not familiar with Nicole’s work you should be! She makes fabulous one-of-a-kind art dolls, creepy cute monsters, and oh-so-many Zombies!
Nicole shared some of her doll making secrets with me more than a year ago. I was excited to learn how they were put together but more than intimidated by the thought of making clothes for them. I’ve never really sewn anything in my life and my mending and darning skills are limited — so I put doll making on the back burner and stuck with my paints and brushes.
Sometime early this year the doll making bug bit me. Maybe it’s the colder than normal temperatures that Buffalo has been experiencing this year — or the repetitive nature of the work I made for wholesale orders — but I NEEDED to create something new and fun!
The dolls are still in the formative stage, they need a few tweeks and stitches before going up for adoption/sale, but I’m happy with the way they are turning out. Expect to see more of this type of work in my shop soon. Much more!
So thank you Nicole! Your encouragement and technique sharing has helped me to branch out in a new, fun direction.
You can find Nicole’s wonderful creations here and shop at her Etsy store HERE as well as finding an image of one of her dolls at the end of this post.
“Crazy Cat Lady Doll”, Alison E. Kurek, 2014
One of the Ladies, Nicole Johnson, 2013 — here’s a direct LINK
Infestation Monsters, Nicole Johnson, 2014 — here’s a direct LINK