‘Twas a snowy night in Buffalo….
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And Mark Poloncarz (the trusty Erie County Executive) warned all citizens to stay off the roads……
But the chickens and roosters were running wild….
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..the cats and dogs were throwing a party……
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…and the fish had plans of their own……
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Poloncarz didn’t know what to do! He was besides himself! HE had warned the citizens, Don Paul (trusty WIVB meteorologist) had warned the citizens, even the National Weather Service had warned the citizens…….but they continued to run amok!
As a last resort Poloncarz decided to call upon Retired General Herbert Black Crow (who now sidelined as a bellhop at the the Buffalo Hyatt Regency). If anyone could take charge of the madness surely it was General Crow.
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General Crow arrived, sporting his typical Take Charge air (which was impressive considering he was less than 2 feet tall and wearing a bell hop hat). He viewed the situation. He evaluated the situation. And he promptly gathered all of the culprits, offenders and miscreants into a huge pie shell. He diced them, he sliced them, and he covered them with a top crust. Then he baked them till the crust was a golden brown and he ate the entire pie!
Poloncarz was horrified!
How could little General Crow eat the entire pie without offering him a slice?!?
But by now the snow outside had slowed, the plow teams and salters were making headway, and sun was about to rise in Buffalo.
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A new day had begun. Poloncarz slowly made his way home through the snow covered streets. He yawned as he pulled into his driveway and smiled at a job well done….because that’s the way things go on a dark, snowy night in Buffalo, New York when you openly defy the County Executive.
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